

【Gaofenzi.org材料短讯】因为可能引发中毒性休克综合征,所以十几年前已经禁止人造的超吸水聚合物(Superabsorbent polymers ,SAPs)在卫生棉中使用,但是SAPs目前广泛应用于卫生巾和尿不湿一类产品中,虽然如此,仍然有不少朋友对这类材料过敏,而且SAPs是很难降解的,由此印度理工学院(Indian Institute of Technology)的研究人员希望能研究出更环保、更舒适、更安全的替代品,而最近他们讲研究成果发表在了期刊《Applied Materials Today》上。


他们把目光聚焦在了醋酸纤维素材料上,采用静电纺丝工艺获得了由醋酸纤维素制成的细长纳米纤维,由此纳米纤维制备的材料在吸水性和力学等性质优于目前市面普通卫生巾中SAPs材料,而且由这种材料制成的卫生巾不仅是可以生物降解的,其厚度也仅有目前市面上销售的卫生巾的1/200。研究作者Chandra Sharma博士表示:“我们的研究结果表明, 纳米纤维制成的卫生巾在吸水性和舒适性方面优于市面上销售的卫生巾。我们认为其有望取代目前可能包含有害物质的超吸水聚合物产品。”


High absorbency cellulose acetate electrospun nanofibers for feminine hygiene application;Shital Yadav, Mani Pujitha Illa, Tulika Rastogi, Chandra Shekhar Sharma;Applied Materials Today,Volume 4, September 2016, Pages 62–70


The feminine sanitary napkin is an important disposable absorbent hygiene product. Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) are added in the absorbent core of sanitary napkins in order to improve their absorption capacity. However, they are found to have certain adverse effects on the health of user and also on the environment. Here, we demonstrate the potential use of electrospun cellulose acetate (CA) nanofibers as a material for absorbent core in feminine sanitary napkins. The analysis in terms of morphology, surface area, porosity, strength, absorption capacity, and percentage residue was done and further compared with some of the known commercially available feminine sanitary napkins. Considering the large surface area and porosity, it is found that the electrospun nanofibers provide a better alternative to achieve even higher absorbency that too without adding SAP. Sanitary napkins without SAP can be a solution for its safe disposal, and therefore, can have global impact in the near future.




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